Monday, August 5, 2013

DW Live special: 12 IS REVEALED


At the Doctor Who Live event, after much speculation and rumors spreading through the universe, a new generation was revealed and set to replace Matt Smith in the Christmas 2013 special of Doctor Who. Yes, what we're looking up here is the new generation of Doctor Who. It's actor Peter Capaldi.

Capaldi, age 55, was no stranger to the world of DW though. When he was a teenager, he was been a huge Doctor Who fan when he's busy writing fan letters to Radio Times. Oh yeah, when I said he's aged 55, that was about the same age when Hartnell began his maiden Who voyage in 1963. Also, he's Scottish. Same as 10th Doctor David Tennant's.

In the 2008 season of Doctor Who, he was Caecillus in the Fires of Pompeii episode. Wait a minute. That episode seems familiar because Karen Gillan was in that episode as one of the Sisterhood. A year later, he was John Frobisher in the Children of Earth arc of its spin-off, Torchwood.

His recent appearance was in the survival action movie World War Z as one of the doctors from the World Health Organization, which explains a lot.

Although no stranger to Who, his newly found role as DW# 12 will surely make him one of the fresh new faces of the BBC. We'll look forward to him as he will show up on the 2013 Christmas Special, replacing 11th Doctor Matt Smith. Also, we'll be looking forward for him in next year's season 8 alongside current companion Clara Oswald, played by Jenna Coleman.


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